Laser beam machining is a thermal machining process which uses laser beam to produce heat. Introduction the plasma arc machining process was introduced to the industries in 1964 as a method of bringing better control to the arc welding process in lower current ranges.

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How Laser Beam Machining Process Works Engineer S
The machining by laser beam is possible when the power density of beam is greater than what is lost by conduction convection and radiation and further the radiation must penetrate and be absorbed into material.

Laser beam machining notes. In this machining process metal is removed by melting and vaporization of metal particle from surface of work piece. Laser beam machining or more broadly laser material processing deals with machining and material processing like heat treatment alloying cladding sheet metal bending etc. The power density pd of laser beam can be calculated from the relationship. Laser beam machining pada metode ini sumber energy yang digunakan adala sebuah laser light amplification by simulated emission of radiation yang difokuskan pada energy optic ke benda kerja. In this process a laser beam of high energy is made to strike on the workpiece the thermal energy of the laser gets transferred to the surface of the wp workpiece. Laser cutting machine is a machine which uses laser beam to cut materials such as acrylic plastic wood fabric and many other non metallic materials. Today plasma retains the original advantages. Effect of laser beam on material 6 source. Such processing is carried out utilizing the energy of coherent photons or laser beam which is mostly converted into thermal energy upon. Where pd power density of laser beam wcm 2. Laser cutting machine market is up to mark and still in process of developing summary of the report. It is mostly used to drill holes in any shape. This setup also consists of a flash tubelamp ie. It consists of a stimulating light source xenon flash lamp and a laser rod. Laser rod or laser tube consist of pair of mirrors which are placed at each end of a tube.
Laser beam machining lbm is a form of machining process in which laser beam is used for the machining of metallic and non metallic materials. Energy source laser power source focusing source and cooling system. Electron beam machining is same as laser beam machining process in which except laser high speed electron beam impinges on work piece. This will generate high heat energy and melts and vaporize metal from work piece. Energy yang difokuskan ini menyebabkan densitas yang tinggi proses ini jiga tidak memerlukan ruangan yang vakum. It is a non conventional machining process in which no tool is used. Plasma arc machining pam employs a high velocity jet of high temperature gas to melt and displace material in its path. This whole process takes place in vacuum chamber. The laser cutting machines initially casts laser beam on the surface of work piece melts. Laser beam machining used light energy from a laser to remove material by vaporization and ablation energy is concentrated optically laser emits either continuous or pulsed light beam 5 source. It is used to machine both metallic and non metallic material.

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